Your Strengths and Virtues. Mine, according to a survey (you can take at ) are Courage and Wisdom. A 2004 study conducted by Sielegman and Peterson identifies inborn talents – those things that are difficult to acquire or improve upon (like perfect pitch). They are core characteristics that are universally valued. The six virtues are; wisdom, courage, humanity, justice temperance and transcendence.
So, my strengths are Courage and Wisdom, four out of six. I read a quote in my daily mediation book, “It takes wisdom and courage to persevere.” I am persistent, I guess. Here is the twist, it is the strengths that you DO NOT possess that need your attention. Your natural gifts (mine of courage and wisdom) need no improvement because those come easily. We enjoy these strengths and do them naturally.
The challenge is those that we do not naturally possess, but are equally important. I need to improve upon; humanity, justice, temperance and transcendence. Yeah, I’m not the warm & fuzzy type. Those traits have also been found to be the most closely linked to happiness- yikes. They are (according to the Harvard Medical Study on Positive Psychology) worth cultivating and applying in your daily life.
So, this blog will be devoted to cultivating those strengths and virtues linked to being happy. The study suggests the best way to happiness is improving upon your weaknesses. One step at time.